Yes 34% (40 votes) No 66% (79 votes) Total votes: 119 Presentation videos: Embedded video for Does empirical evidence show the type of economic convergence predicted by the Neoclassical growth model?Embedded video for Does empirical evidence show the type of economic convergence predicted by the Neoclassical growth model?Embedded video for Does empirical evidence show the type of economic convergence predicted by the Neoclassical growth model?Embedded video for Does empirical evidence show the type of economic convergence predicted by the Neoclassical growth model?Embedded video for Does empirical evidence show the type of economic convergence predicted by the Neoclassical growth model?Embedded video for Does empirical evidence show the type of economic convergence predicted by the Neoclassical growth model?Embedded video for Does empirical evidence show the type of economic convergence predicted by the Neoclassical growth model?