Upgrading your internet connection. 50% (6 votes) Upgrading your microphone. 0% (0 votes) Upgrading your camera. 8% (1 vote) Improving your lighting. 33% (4 votes) Tidying up your studio. 8% (1 vote) Total votes: 12 Presentation videos: Embedded video for Which of the following measures can potentially improve more your online teaching?Embedded video for Which of the following measures can potentially improve more your online teaching?Embedded video for Which of the following measures can potentially improve more your online teaching?Embedded video for Which of the following measures can potentially improve more your online teaching?Embedded video for Which of the following measures can potentially improve more your online teaching?Link: https://www.cnet.com/how-to/ultimate-webcam-tips-how-to-look-sound-great-online/