EUROSCI Network Summer School
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EUROSCI Network Summer School offers a wide selection of three-week intensive courses taught in English by experienced international faculty on a broad variety of subjects, ranging from law and business to science and technology. Courses at our summer school are based on regular courses at EUROSCI Network partner institutions and taught to the same academic standards by leading EUROSCI Network faculty. They all have a student workload of 6 ECTS credits, are fully accredited and certified by participating EUROSCI Network partner institutions, and recognised by dozens of other univerities around the world towards credit for their own studies and degrees.
Applications to our summer school can be submitted online through the EUROSCI Network website or through the local websites at any of our partner institutions. To be able to participate in our summer school you will need to meet the particular requirements of each course for which you wish to apply, plus the common standards required for all our summer school courses (sufficient knowlege of English language, certificate of registration at a recognised higher education institution, and good academic and moral standing substantiated by two letters of reference by academics and/or leaders of your local community). For each of our courses, we reserve a quota of full tuition fee scholarships for students registered at EUROSCI Network partner institutions and a quota of partial scholarships covering 50% of the fees for nationals of low-, lower-middle, or upper-middle-income countries, as defined by the World Bank for each fiscal year.
What makes our summer school so unique is not only the global diversity of our teachers and students, or the amazing venues where it takes place, but also its hands-on scientific and teaching methodology. All our courses feature a case-based approach that encourages students to apply logic- and evidence-based analysis to the solution of real-life problems. This combination of scientific rigour with real-world application makes us the summer school of choice not only for students, but also for leading global elite universities and employers.