Institutional profiles and reviews

We publish independent reviews of higher education and research institutions that are not partners of the EUROSCI Network. Their logos are used to identify the institutions, subjects of public interest. The significance of each logo is to help readers identify the institution and assure them that they have reached the right entry containing critical commentary about the institution, and does not imply any relation between the institution and the EUROSCI Network. The views and opinions expressed on this page are those of the authors and do not purport to reflect the position of the EUROSCI Network or any of its partners.

Rank Logo Institution Country Reach User rating Vote count
321 Universitat Politècnica de València ES Spain 14 75 1
322 Odessa State Agrarian University UA Ukraine 14
323 Università degli Studi Gabriele d'Annunzio IT Italy 14
324 Universitatea din București RO Romania 14 50 1
325 Alexandria University EG Egypt 14 50 1
326 Instituto Superior de Línguas e Administração de Bragança PT Portugal 14 38 2
327 European University Institute IT Italy 14 100 1
328 University College Dublin IE Ireland 14
329 Fundación Universitaria Konrad Lorenz CO Colombia 14
330 University of Oxford GB United Kingdom 14 100 1
331 Baltic College DE Germany 14
332 Savonia University of Applied Sciences FI Finland 14 75 1
333 Universitas Padjadjaran ID Indonesia 14 25 2
334 Universitatea de Vest din Timisoara RO Romania 15 50 1
335 University of Manchester GB United Kingdom 15
336 Universitatea Ovidius din Constanța RO Romania 15
337 Universidad de Navarra ES Spain 15
338 Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Campinas BR Brazil 15 100 1
339 Academia de Științe a Moldovei MD Moldova, Republic of 15
340 Corvinus University of Budapest HU Hungary 15 25 1
341 Università di Bologna IT Italy 15 63 2
342 Universitatea Babeş-Bolyai RO Romania 15 50 1
343 University of Nigeria, Nsukka NG Nigeria 15 25 1
344 Universität der Bundeswehr München DE Germany 15
345 University of East Anglia GB United Kingdom 15 0 1
346 Universidade Federal de São Carlos BR Brazil 15
347 Universidad de Deusto ES Spain 15 25 1
348 Memorial University of Newfoundland CA Canada 16
349 Westminster International University in Tashkent UZ Uzbekistan 16 75 3
350 University of Banking UA Ukraine 16 75 1
351 Universidade do Minho PT Portugal 16 25 1
352 University of Crete GR Greece 16 100 1
353 Universitatea Transilvania din Brașov RO Romania 16 75 1
354 V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University UA Ukraine 16 25 1
355 Humboldt Universität Berlin DE Germany 16 100 1
356 University of Sheffield GB United Kingdom 16
357 National University of Water and Environmental Engineering UA Ukraine 17
358 Klaipėda University LT Lithuania 17 50 1
359 University of Cape Town ZA South Africa 17
360 Cherkasy State Technological University UA Ukraine 17